Felines are known for their unique ability to see in low light conditions. Many people believe that cats can see in complete darkness, but is this true? Can cats see in the dark?
The short answer is no. Cats cannot see in complete darkness. However, their eyes have adapted to low light conditions, which allows them to see much better than humans in dimly lit environments.
How Do Cats See In The Dark?
In previous post we’ve discussed about how cats see things around them. In this post we’ll talk about cat’s night vision.
One of the key features of a cat’s eyes that enables them to see in low light is their large pupils. Cats have pupils that can open wide and let in more light. This ability allows kitties to see better in dim conditions. Additionally, their irises have a reflective layer of cells called the “Tapetum Lucidum”. This layer reflects light back through the retina, amplifying the amount of light available to their eyes.

Another adaptation that helps cats see in low light is their high concentration of rod cells in their eyes. These rod cells candetect light and motion. Cats have about six to eight times more rod cells in their eyes than humans, which allows them to detect even the smallest amount of light.
Can Cats See In Absolute Darkness?
Contrary to popular belief, cats are not able to see in absolute darkness. However, they have remarkable night vision and can see in very low light conditions due to their unique adaptations (large pupils and the “Tapetum Lucidum”).
Even with these adaptations, cats still need some light to see. In absolute darkness, cats won’t be able to see anything. But in extremely low light, such as in the moonlight, cats can see objects and move around comfortably. So while cats may not be able to see in absolute darkness, their remarkable night vision is still a marvel to behold.
Which Cat Breeds Have Better Night Vision?
While all cats have some degree of night vision, some breeds can see better than others in the dark.
Siamese cats have larger pupils and more rod cells in their eyes than most breeds, which means they have better night vision. The Abyssinian breed also has exceptional night vision due to the larger pupils and tapetum lucidum, which reflects more light back through the retina.
The Sphynx is another breed that has good night vision, as their large eyes are well-adapted to low light conditions. Other cat breeds that have good night vision include the Bengal and the Ocicat, which has a spotted coat that allows them to blend into their surroundings in low light conditions.
While some breeds may have better night vision than others, all cats are still remarkable hunters and navigators in dimly lit environments.

To summarize, cats cannot see in complete darkness. However, they have remarkable adaptations that allow them to see well in low light. Their large pupils, tapetum lucidum, and high concentration of rod cells make them exceptional hunters and navigators in dimly lit environments.