Every cat owner knows very well that cats are creatures that give great love and worship, but they can easily take it back at the same time. And this is the magic of the cat. Love is not given to you completely! You have to conquer it every day with small acts.
How To Be A Perfect Cat Parent
In the following lines, you will find tips that will turn you into the purrfect cat parent!
Your keyboard does not belong to you!

This is the most interesting thing in your office and since it keeps your hands busy for many hours, it rightfully belongs to the cat. He will just sit on it while you do important things for work… and of course before you save them.
Laser pointers are pure magic!
An easy way to see your cat in ecstasy is to use a laser pointer. The way that it appears and disappears mysteriously in a glimpse of an eye, will make it a life purpose to catch it!
Do not open drawers with the cat in the room!
If you make a mistake and open a drawer with your cat in the room then get ready to jump in and play with your clothes or just take a nap in your underwear.
Let the cat scratch!

First of all, you have no choice. Second, cats scratch their nails to exfoliate the outer nail and expose the fresh! Make sure to have a lot of scratching points around the house or your favourite jeans will be one. Don’t ask how he will know that he is your favorite, a cat always knows.
Your cat doesn’t belong to you!
Every cat with self-esteem is independent and doesn’t belong to anyone. He will give you his love but you‘ll never be his owner. The opposite would be a more realistic senario.
When you are at home you can’t concentrate on anything.
It is in the nature of the cat to put an obstacle between you and the things you wanna do. “I am here human! How dare you pay attention to anything else but me?”
Love hurts!
It is 3 am and you feel fingernails on your neck. And then he will just sit on your belly and sleep while purring.
Keep your cat clean.
Cats love their parents especialy when they take care of their hygiene, by cutting their nails, combing their fur and of course changing the sand.
Bags are treasures.
It doesn’t matter if it is the supermarket bag or your suitcase with important documents. Your cat instantly turns into a small Indiana Jones who searches the content and then lies inside.
Your cat loves you.
No matter how hard it is to believe… your cat loves you. He doesn’t need you, so if he decides to spend time with you that means that he is enjoying it, even if he doesn’t show it.