Recent Studies have shown that cats have more that 250 face expressions.
Most cat parents believe that their furry friends communicate through meows or purrs. However, scientists found out that cats are more expressive than we thought they are. Our kitties use more than 250 facial expressions to communicate with other cats and express their feelings.
Cats Use Facial Expressions To Communicate
Lauren Scott and Brittany N. Florkiewicz conducted a study, including a colony of 53 cats living in a cat café in Loas Angeles, California. They paid great attention to the expressions that kitties used to interact with other felines after the café closed for the night. Τhe purpose of the research was to decipher the communication between cats.
After 10 months of observation and research they discovered about 276 expressions in the cats. Each cat used about 4 distinct facial motions, such as constricted pupils, nose licks, or parted lips. Following their observations, Scott and Florkiewicz concluded that 45% of the expressions were friendly, whereas 37% were clearly antagonistic. The remaining 18% was uncertain or may be interpreted both ways.
What Do Cat Facial Expressions Mean
While it’s hard to tell what cats were “saying” to one another, scientists discovered that cats prefer to shift their ears and whiskers toward other felines during amicable contacts and away during aggressive confrontations. Licked lips or contracted pupils are also signs of hostility. After a period of playing, one of the cats suddenly knelt down and hissed at the other before rushing away.
Despite the mystery surrounding their emotions, the researchers discovered that cats had “a common play face” with humans, dogs, and other animals. The corners of the lips are dragged back, and the jaw is dropped, forming an open grin.
Final Thoughts
With any hope, these results might be the first step toward better understanding cats in the future. Have you ever noticed any expressions in your cat? Share with us your thoughts!
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Sources: Smithsonian mag