Do cats get jealous? Why is this happening and how to stop this behavior?
Felines, by their nature, are very territorial creatures. “Territory” includes more than simply their home. It could be food, toys, or even you! anything they value highly enough to claim as their own.
Cats also don’t enjoy any changes in their routine. If a cat feels like his territory is in danger for ownership, he may behave with aggression. He could arch or hiss to show his displeasure.
Why Do Cats Get Jealous?
Cats may develop feelings of jealousy and stress for various reasons that stem from their sense of insecurity. Instances of insecurity can emerge during significant household changes when cats perceive a lack of control over their environment.
The presence of new people or pets in the household can create feelings of jealousy in cats through two distinct mechanisms. The first reason cats can get stressed is the worry that they would have less access to resources that the “intruder” might claim. Secondly, they might feel insecure about their position within the household and the level of attention they will receive compared to the new addition.
Can Cats Get Jealous Of Others Cats
Cats may experience feelings of jealousy towards other felines. As mentioned earlier, cats are territorial animals and may view the presence of another cat as a threat to their resources, territory or the attention they receive from their “parents”.
There is jealousy between cats can and you may find it in many forms. Aggressive behavior, territorial marking, avoidance, or even redirected aggression towards their owners. Cats may display signs of stress, insecurity, or exhibit attention-seeking behavior to regain their perceived status or secure their resources.
While bringing a new cat to your household you have to be careful and do it gradually to minimize potential jealousy and conflicts between your pets. Providing separate food bowls, litter boxes, and resting areas can help alleviate jealousy and promote a more harmonious coexistence between your kitties.

How To Stop Jealous Behavior in Cats
Cats typically don’t experience feelings of insecurity unless there is a specific reason for it. In some cases, the source of the problem could be another animal or or a person in their environment. So, the most effective approach to addressing jealous behavior in cats is to identify and resolve the underlying cause(s) contributing to their insecurity.
In some cases, the source of the problem could be another animal or individual present in their environment. So, how can you stop your kitty from being jealous?
1. Gradual Introduction
Introduce new cats or pets gradually and under supervision whenever possible. Use bedding exchanges or pheromone sprays to introduce cats to each other’s scents before having them encounter directly. Cats can acclimatize more easily and experience less stress with gradual exposures.
2. Positive reinforcement
Always reward desirable behaviors and interactions between cats. You can use treats, praise, and playtime to encourage positive associations and reduce negative behaviors that are associated with jealousy.
3. Offer Equal Attention
Ensure that all cats receive equal attention, affection, and playtime. Provide separate resources, such as food bowls, water dishes, and litter boxes, to minimize competition and territorial disputes.
4. Provide ALternatives
Offer ample environmental enrichment for each cat, including toys, scratching posts, hiding spots, and vertical spaces. This can help alleviate boredom and redirect negative behaviors.

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Jealous?
Not all felines are the same. There is natural variation in the confidence and comfort levels among cats. Insecure cats may exhibit behaviors that can be misconstrued as jealousy. These signs can include aggression, stress-related behavior or potential destructive behavior. The specific indicators of insecurity can differ from one cat to another. If you observe any changes in your cat’s behavior or disposition, it is advisable to consult with a veterinarian. They can assist in identifying the potential sources of stress, whether it stems from a medical condition, jealousy, or other factors.
Remember, patience and consistency are key when addressing jealous behavior in cats. By providing a calm and enriched environment, equal attention and resources, and gradual introductions, you can help alleviate jealousy and promote a more peaceful coexistence between your cats.
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Source: Petmd